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"You are what you eat". It is so true, no matter how we may look. I was skinny before I made fitness my life but I certainly wasn't healthy. I was the queen of junk food and the word "nutrients" did not exist in my vocabulary. Today I enjoy the healthy foods I eat as much as I enjoyed my junk food then. The best thing is that I still enjoy my chocolate and other "bad" foods, but the healthy way.
Today's article is dedicated to all of you who are as tired as I was of being and feeling like a bag of potato chips. The good news is that there are only two things you have to consider in order to eat good and healthy. #1 you need to know how to eat right and #2 you need to know how to make yourself eat right.
When it comes to "how to eat right" it is rather simple. All you need to do is stick with the basics, meaning to include all 6 components of nutrition into your diet. As most of you know, the six components/nutrients are carbohydrates (fuel), protein (growth and repair), fat (another fuel), vitamins, minerals (essential nutrients for different body functions) and water (the source of life and survival).
For most people the 40-30-30 concept seems to work the best. Meaning 40% of your foot should consist of carbohydrates, mostly complex carbs like rice, potatoes, bread (whole grain), pasta, cereal and vegetables. Some simple (sugar) carbohydrates like fruit are also good. 30% should be lean protein like chicken, turkey, fish, eggs (in moderation), beef (only lean cuts like filet mignon) and beans and 30% should be fat from good sources - unsaturated fats like olive oil, canola and fish oils.
Somebody that participates a lot in weight bearing activities should put a focus on protein. Your diet should consist of 40% carbs, 35-40% protein and 20-25% fat. Endurance athletes should focus on carbohydrates and fats from good sources, let's say 45% carbohydrates, 25-30% protein and 25-30% fat. If you would like to shed some unwanted pounds you should eat very low fat, moderate carbs and high protein to make sure to not lose your muscle/lean body tissue.
Depending on genetics and life style I recommend 40-45% carbs, 40-45%protein and 10-20% fat. You always want to make sure you give your body enough of everything. The fact is that if you would leave one of the 3 components out, let's say only eat carbs and fat or only eat protein and fat you would starve to death, no matter how many calories you may consume. Try to include fresh foods into your diet like vegetables, fruits and salads. And do not go for un-natural non-fat foods like non-fat butter or whipped cream, because they are very unhealthy and worse for you than "bad" foods. Butter is fat. That's what it consists of. So to make a non-fat butter or margarine takes a lot of chemicals. Research shows that many non-fat things that are supposed to be fat are just one step away from plastic and your body doesn't know what to do with it. Very often it backfires and your body will actually try to store the chemicals as fat. Also, let's face it. How long do you think somebody could survive eating plastic? Go for the low-fat foods. Foods like light butter, light ice cream or low-fat cookies, where only some of the fat has been taken do not have many chemicals added to them. Try to replace the "bad" fattening foods with the low-fat version. There are a lot of alternatives out there.
Also stay away from artificial sweeteners, they do more bad than good. Rather use some raw sugar or honey, your body will thank you. Make sure you get enough fluids and liquids, at least eight 8 oz. glasses a day. If you nourish your body this way most of the time, then there is nothing wrong with having your favorite junk food once a week. Take one day a week where you can have the "bad" stuff. I promise your body won't mind.
When it comes to "how to make yourself eat good" the not so good news comes in. That is that at first it will take some effort. You have to want to change your old habits and it may take some time.
One tip is to imagine how you will feel better and look better. Remember that with most things in life it's all about attitude and mind set. Somebody that only includes body or only includes mind will never be as successful than somebody that includes body and mind, because they are a team. They work together. Which means, on top of the visualization, do the work, eat healthier and exercise.
Research shows that a lot of people who exercise will automatically crave healthy foods, because your body now really is dependent on them in order to do the work. So after your workout your body sends a message to your mind to make you crave a big salad with grilled chicken and some fresh whole grain bread rather than a mountain of french fries with ketchup. Of course, if all you do is think about cheesecake while you hike up the mountain the true message from your body to your mind may never come through. So try to truly listen to your body and don't listen to your programmed old habits. Mainly be patient, give it some time and do not give up.
If you work it, it works; and if you don't give up it will happen. Next time I will examine different diet trends and why they do or do not work.